- 1.01 Acute-Care Hospital Patient Safety and Drug Administration (pdf 259kb)
- 1.02 Addictions Treatment Programs (pdf 222kb)
- 1.03 Chronic Kidney Disease Management (pdf 261kb)
- 1.04 Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (pdf 290kb)
- 1.05 Food and Nutrition in Long-term-Care Homes (pdf 257kb)
- 1.06 Food Safety Inspection Program (pdf 209kb)
- 1.07 Health and Safety in the Workplace (pdf 218kb)
- 1.08 Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service (pdf 297kb)
- 1.09 Ontario Disability Support Program (pdf 278kb)
- 1.10 Ontario Financing Authority (pdf 187kb)
- 1.11 Oversight of Time-Limited Discretionary Grants (pdf 204kb)
- 1.12 Provincial Support to Sustain the Horse-Racing Industry (pdf 193kb)
- 1.13 Technology System (IT) and Cybersecurity at Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (pdf 196kb)
- 1.14 Adult Correctional Institutions (pdf 288kb)
- 1.15 Court Operations (pdf 248kb)
- 1.16 Criminal Court System (pdf 215kb)
- 1.17 Family Court Services (pdf 228kb)
- 1.18 Public Accounts (pdf 117kb)
Chapter 2: Follow-Up Report on Special Reports
- 3.01 The Fair Hydro Plan: Concerns About Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Value For Money (pdf 108kb)
- 3.02 Food Safety Inspection Program (pdf 146kb)
- 3.03 Metrolinx—GO Station Selection (pdf 145kb)
- 3.04 Metrolinx—LRT Construction and Infrastructure Planning (pdf 164kb)
- 3.05 Ontario Disability Support Program (pdf 165kb)
- 3.06 Tarion Warranty Corporation (pdf 173kb)