Tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on December 2, 2015.
2015 Annual Report – Entire Report (pdf 8.1Mb)
Chapter 1: Summaries of Value-for-money Audits (pdf 209kb)
Chapter 2: Public Accounts of the Province (pdf 407kb)
Chapter 3: Reports on Value-for-money Audits (Introduction) (pdf 60kb)
- 3.01 CCACs—Community Care Access Centres—Home Care Program (pdf 430kb)
- 3.02 Child Protection Services—Children's Aid Societies(pdf 329kb)
- 3.03 Child Protection Services Program—Ministry (pdf 290kb)
- 3.04 Economic Development and Employment Programs (pdf 483kb)
- 3.05 Electricity Power System Planning (pdf 551kb)
- 3.06 Hydro One—Management of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Assets (pdf 380kb)
- 3.07 Infrastructure Planning (pdf 314kb)
- 3.08 LHINs—Local Health Integration Networks (pdf 909kb)
- 3.09 Long-term-care Home Quality Inspection Program (pdf 592kb)
- 3.10 Management of Contaminated Sites (pdf 1.3Mb)
- 3.11 Mines and Minerals Program (pdf 553kb)
- 3.12 SAMS—Social Assistance Management System (pdf 583kb)
- 3.13 Student Transportation (pdf 361kb)
- 3.14 University Intellectual Property (pdf 514kb)
Chapter 4: Follow-up to 2013 Value-for-money Audits (Introduction) (pdf 101kb)
- 4.01 Autism Services and Supports for Children (pdf 176kb)
- 4.02 Health Human Resources (pdf 172kb)
- 4.03 Healthy Schools Strategy (pdf 163kb)
- 4.04 Land Ambulance Services (pdf 177kb)
- 4.05 Ontario Power Generation Human Resources (pdf 163kb)
- 4.06 Private Schools (pdf 212kb)
- 4.07 Provincial Parks (pdf 174kb)
- 4.08 Rehabilitation Services at Hospitals (pdf 182kb)
- 4.09 ServiceOntario (pdf 204kb)
- 4.10 Violence Against Women (pdf 181kb)
Chapter 5: Toward Better Accountability (pdf 278kb)
Chapter 6: Review of Government Advertising (pdf 217kb)
Chapter 7: The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (pdf 216kb)
Chapter 8: The Office of the Auditor General of Ontario (pdf 529kb)
Exhibit 1: Agencies of the Crown (pdf 63kb)
Exhibit 2: Crown-controlled Corporations (pdf 61kb)
Exhibit 3: Organizations in the Broader Public Sector (pdf 83kb)
Exhibit 4: Treasury Board Orders (pdf 99kb)