Tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on December 5, 2011.
2011 Annual Report – Entire Report (pdf 4.67Mb)
Chapter 1: Overview and Summaries of Value-for-money Audits and Reviews (pdf 333kb)
Chapter 2: Public Accounts of the Province (pdf 404kb)
Chapter 3: Reports on Value-for-money Audits and Reviews (Introduction) (pdf 90kb)
- 3.01 Auto Insurance Regulatory Oversight (pdf 618kb)
- 3.02 Electricity Sector—Regulatory Oversight (pdf 809kb)
- 3.03 Electricity Sector—Renewable Energy Initiatives (pdf 596kb)
- 3.04 Electricity Sector—Stranded Debt (pdf 182kb)
- 3.05 Forest Management Program (pdf 364kb)
- 3.06 Funding Alternatives for Family Physicians (pdf 267kb)
- 3.07 Funding Alternatives for Specialist Physicians (pdf 280kb)
- 3.08 LCBO New Product Procurement (pdf 263kb)
- 3.09 Legal Aid Ontario (pdf 385kb)
- 3.10 Office of the Children's Lawyer (pdf 383kb)
- 3.11 Ontario Trillium Foundation (pdf 238kb)
- 3.12 Private Career Colleges (pdf 255kb)
- 3.13 Student Success Initiatives (pdf 258kb)
- 3.14 Supportive Services for People with Disabilities (pdf 295kb)
Chapter 4: Follow-up on 2009 Value-for-money Audits (Introduction) (pdf 84kb)
- 4.01 Assistive Devices Program (pdf 218kb)
- 4.02 Bridge Inspection and Maintenance (pdf 192kb)
- 4.03 Consumer Protection (pdf 222kb)
- 4.04 Education Quality and Accountability Office (pdf 191kb)
- 4.05 Government User Fees (pdf 236kb)
- 4.06 Infection Prevention and Control at Long-term-care Homes (pdf 255kb)
- 4.07 Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat (pdf 186kb)
- 4.08 OntarioBuys Program (pdf 192kb)
- 4.09 Ontario Disability Support Program (pdf 207kb)
- 4.10 Ontario Research Fund (pdf 210kb)
- 4.11 Ontario Works Program (pdf 224kb)
- 4.12 Social Housing (pdf 176kb)
- 4.13 Teletriage Health Services (pdf 190kb)
- 4.14 Unfunded Liability of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (pdf 179kb)
Chapter 5: Review of Government Advertising (pdf 347kb)
Chapter 6: The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (pdf 206kb)
Chapter 7: The Office of the Auditor General of Ontario (pdf 709kb)
Exhibit 1: Agencies of the Crown (pdf 104kb)
Exhibit 2: Crown-controlled Corporations (pdf 109kb)
Exhibit 3: Treasury Board Orders (pdf 150kb)