Tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on December 6, 2005.
2005 Annual Report – Entire Report (pdf 3.8Mb)
Chapter 1: Overview and Value-for-money Audit Summaries (pdf 253kb)
Chapter 2: Towards Better Accountability (pdf 136kb)
Chapter 3: Reports on Value-for-money (VFM) Audits (Introduction) (pdf 58kb)
- 3.01 Ambulance Services—Air (pdf 179kb)
- 3.02 Ambulance Services—Land (pdf 291kb)
- 3.03 Charitable Gaming (pdf 255kb)
- 3.04 Child Care Activity (pdf 245kb)
- 3.05 Driver and Vehicle Private Issuing Network (pdf 297kb)
- 3.06 Driver Licensing (pdf 284kb)
- 3.07 English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development (pdf 240kb)
- 3.08 Health Laboratory Services (pdf 240kb)
- 3.09 Mines and Minerals Program (pdf 249kb)
- 3.10 Office of the Chief Election Officer (pdf 213kb)
- 3.11 Office of the Registrar General (pdf 307kb)
- 3.12 Ontario Provincial Police (pdf 280kb)
- 3.13 Recovery of Health Costs Resulting from Accidents (pdf 220kb)
- 3.14 Temporary Help Services (pdf 239kb)
Chapter 4: Follow-up of Recommendations in the 2003 Annual Report (Introduction) (pdf 49kb)
- 4.01 Court Services (pdf 151kb)
- 4.02 Children's Mental Health Services (pdf 113kb)
- 4.03 Family Responsibility Office (pdf 139kb)
- 4.04 Policy and Consumer Protection Services Division (pdf 130kb)
- 4.05 Curriculum Development and Implementation (pdf 119kb)
- 4.06 Business and Economic Development Activities (pdf 124kb)
- 4.07 Science and Technology (pdf 162kb)
- 4.08 Environet (pdf 137kb)
- 4.09 Public Health Activity (pdf 142kb)
- 4.10 Ontario Student Assistance Program (pdf 124kb)
Chapter 5: Public Accounts of the Province (pdf 194kb)
Chapter 6: The Office of the Auditor General of Ontario (pdf 306kb)
Chapter 7: The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (pdf 108kb)
Exhibit 1: Agencies of the Crown (pdf 76kb)
Exhibit 2: Crown-controlled Corporations (pdf 76kb)
Exhibit 3: Treasury Board Orders (pdf 137kb)
Exhibit 4: Auditor General Act (pdf 157kb)