Tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on November 3, 1998.
Chapter 1: Overview (pdf 104kb)
Chapter 2: Toward Better Accountability
- 2.01 Ontario Financial Review Commission (pdf 109kb)
- 2.02 Legislative Proposals To Improve Public Accountability (pdf 38kb)
Chapter 3: Reports on Value for Money Audits and Reviews
- 3.01 Business Transformation Project/Common Purpose Procurement (pdf 180kb)
- 3.02 Ontario Works Program (pdf 102kb)
- 3.03 Acquisition and Management of Elementary and Secondary School Facilities (pdf 125kb)
- 3.04 Land Transfer Tax Program (pdf 109kb)
- 3.05 Long-Term Care Community Based Services Activity (pdf 149kb)
- 3.06 Ontario Health Insurance Plan (pdf 120kb)
- 3.07 Rent Supplement Programs (pdf 107kb)
- 3.08 Financial Controls Review (pdf 115kb)
- 3.09 Fish and Wildlife Program (pdf 136kb)
- 3.10 Science and Information Resources Division (pdf 131kb)
- 3.11 Office of the Fire Marshal (pdf 112kb)
- 3.12 Ontario Provincial Police (pdf 144kb)
Chapter 4: Follow-up of Recommendations in the 1996 Annual Report (pdf 287kb)
Chapter 5: Public Accounts of the Province (pdf 103kb)
Chapter 6: The Office of the Provincial Auditor (pdf 105kb)
Chapter 7: The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (pdf 44kb)
Exhibit 1: Value for Money Audits and Reviews Conducted in 1997/98 (pdf 24kb)
Exhibit 2: Agencies of the Crown (pdf 29kb)
Exhibit 3: Crown Controlled Corporations (pdf 20kb)
Exhibit 4: Treasury Board Orders (pdf 56kb)
Exhibit 5: Extracts from the Audit Act (pdf 39kb)